Hi! I'm Alex.

I'm a BA Music Technology graduate, aspiring producer and mixing engineer, and intermediate multi-instrumentalist, with real life experience as an assistant engineer in a commercial studio environment as well as a freelance sound engineer in small venues.


I make music under the moniker "Overdark" and I've also worked on other projects which you can check out below.

Struggling with your project?

 Let me help you with...

Making sure that all instruments and vocals are in time with each other, avoiding phase issues, and pitch correcting to taste


Making all your instruments sound the best they can, including guitar tone shaping and drum replacement/reinforcement


Rearrangements, creating additional FX, synth parts, and anything else that can make your songs more impactful

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Deluxe '85 IRs

Some captures of a friend's Fender Deluxe '85, with a choice of SM57 Beta and U87i in several positions each. Versions with a 100Hz high-pass also included.

Studio Rooms IRs

This is my only tangible memorabilia of my University studios other than my degree, and arguably just as useful.

Snare Samples

Some snare samples I recorded at Uni, unfortunately lost most of the recordings but manage to salvage these. Four mics with several velocity zones and round robins for each. Includes rim shots (E2). All samples are raw/unprocessed. Reaper project included.

Alarm Speaker IR

I ripped an old alarm system out of the house when I moved in. I salvaged the speaker and recorded an IR of it. Will probably sound cool for filtered breakdown sections.